
Starting Solids

Starting Solids

Keep Solids Simple!
There is so much advice about feeding babies from family,...

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Toddler's Diarrhea ~ What's That?!


Toddler's diarrhea ~ What's that?!

Ever wonder why young children seem healthy but are having...

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The Surveillance Team is ON it!! Your body has a great SECURITY system!

Swollen Glands …. Part of Your Immune System’s Surveillance Team.

We have glands,...

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Every wonder why you get itchy, watery eyes or all that nasal congestion when you are outside,...

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Say "NO!" to Fever Fear!

What Do You Mean 'Say No'? Shouldn't We Be Worried?? What About Seizures???

When our child...

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Lead Poisoning ~ A Real & Preventable Threat to Kids!

Lead poisoning is a real threat to kids! This happens everyday AND it's preventable and there is...

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"IT HURTS TO SWALLOW" -- Sore Throats Are No Fun!

Sore throat is a COMMON symptom associated with...

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Plastics and Microplastics - A Gut Check!

Plastic has been one of the most amazing inventions but we are realizing slowly that it poses a...

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Hand, Foot and Mouth...Oh my!? Now What?!

HAND FOOT MOUTH illness - sounds weird, right? It's a REAL thing. Read on!

Hand, foot and mouth...

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Baby Food Pouches ~ A Costly Convenience!

Baby food pouches are EVERYWHERE nowadays. It SEEMS like a great idea because they are...

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