Make your SALAD pack a BIG PUNCH!

LETTUCE is so good for you but DID YOU KNOW....

  •  How you prepare lettuce can create more nutrition?
    If you TEAR & SHRED lettuce vs. CUTTING, you "stress" the plant and get more nutrients into the lettuce you are about to eat. It will basically DOUBLE the anti-oxidant levels!!
    Amazing, right?!
  • Looseleaf lettuces have more nutrients in their leaves vs. lettuce heads?
    This is because the leaves are open to the environment and are more stressed in a good way and thus, have more nutrients.

    IF you buy a head of lettuce, separate the leaves, soak in cold water for ten minutes and the dry the leaves to store. 
  • How you store lettuce will increase its nutrient value?
    Store lettuce in a resealable plastic bag, squeeze out the air and THEN, use a pin to prick about 10-15 holes in the bag. This allows the lettuce to BREATHE and preserve its nutrients.
  • Absorbing nutrients from greens needs FAT!
    Unfiltered extra virgin olive oil is best. In addition, to reduce the bitter taste of some greens, add avocado, dried fruits or olive oil and honey to the salad. Tastes yummy and ups the nutrition!

    Happy SALAD days!

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